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Jaksta FAQ:HTTPS streams not captured in AUTO mode - like YouTube. Modified on: 2023-04-28 01:01:07 -0400

To capture media streamed over https,  JMR uses a built in proxy.  

If the proxy is failing for some reason or not configured correctly then auto mode won't work for https streams and you may get "This site can't be reached" type errors when trying to access https sites in your browser whilst AUTO mode is on.

Incorrectly configured proxy settings

Check the following:

On Settings > Internet Downloads tab

1. Ensure the Monitor HTTPS/SSL is switched on

2. Ensure the correct  Dialup/VPN connection is selected.  If your not using a Dialup/VPN connection then this is normally DefaultLAN.

Windows Key + R, typing inetcpl.cpl in the Run box, and then press enter. 

1. Internet Properties > Connections > LAN Settings > Proxy Server Advanced.  Check the exceptions textbox does not contain your local IP address or an address range that does.  

Possible Corrupted Cryptography Provider

There could also be a corrupted Cryptography provider on the system. 

Before performing these steps check your debug logs, for the following error: "Failed to create certficate : Key not valid for use in specified state".

1. Get Support > Enable Debug Mode

2. Switch AUTO on

3. Try to go to https://www.google.com in your browser

If https://www.google.com fails to load in your browser:

1. Get Support > Click the paper plane icon (Send logs) and a zip file (Jaksta Media Recorder 6Logs-<a timestamp>.zip) will be placed on your desktop

2. Open the zip file and then open the jmrp.exe.log in notepad

3. Search the file for the following error

2016-10-018 16:02:11,991 [2] INFO  c4 [(null)] - CertificateMaker: Failed to create certficate : Key not valid for use in specified state

4. If this error exists then there is a good chance that you have a corrupted cryptography provider on your system.

Some things to try and fix this:

1. Ensure all windows updates are installed successfully

2. Move all the files out of C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys  to a temp fold somewhere, reboot and try again.  If doesn't fix it you can move them back although they will be recreated.

3. JMR CA and CAK keys may be missing or corrupt in the registry.  To fix uninstall JMR (clear all settings), reboot, reinstall, they will be recreated on install.

x64: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Jaksta Technologies\Jaksta Media Recorder 6


x86: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Jaksta Technologies\Jaksta Media Recorder 6

If in doubt post your log files to the forums with a description of the issue.

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