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Jaksta FAQ:How to DVR Netflix videos Modified on: 2023-04-28 00:56:28 -0400

To DVR capture video from Netflix ensure you are using the following settings set (which are the default).

Settings > DVR

DVR Browser Type = Ax Browser

Browser Emulation = IE 10 Default

If the DVR comes out black, try the following.

1. Close JMR

2. Open IE and clear its cache.
a. From the Tools menu (Alt-Shift-X) choose Internet Options
b. On the General tab, under Browsing history, click Delete
c. Ensure "Temporary Internet files and website files" is selected.  You can keep "Preserve Favorite website data" select if you wish
d. Click Delete
c. Close IE

4. Ensure IE isnt still runnning in the background
a. Cltr-Alt-Delete and select task manager
b. Ensure no Internet Explorer (iexplore.exe) tasks are running - End them if they are

5. Start JMR and try DVR again

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