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Big Sur and Jaksta Media Recorder

It has been almost a week since the office version has been release. I currently, running Big Sur and I'm still getting the same problem I had with the beta version,

When will there be an updated version of Jaksta Media Record be release. The last version 2.25 was release in 2018. I think time for an updated version since we are about to go into 2021

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Author: James Coffey
Created At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Updated At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Views: 108
Votes: 0
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Hi James,

We are still working on it. No solid ETA as of yet.

With the error you are getting, can you tell me if it occurs different browsers? Are your browsers all up to date?



Jaksta Support

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Author: Liam
Created At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Updated At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Views: 108
Votes: 0
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 it occurs on several browsers, (Safari, Chrome, Brave). So in the meantime, I will run

Catalina in virtual on vmware fusion. Has anyone else reported this problem?


--- Import ---
Author: James Coffey
Created At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Updated At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Views: 108
Votes: 0
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All browsers are up to date

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Author: James Coffey
Created At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Updated At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Views: 108
Votes: 0
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Hi James,

No, nobody has reported this as a problem yet. We are currently looking into this to see if it's potentially a Big Sur related issue.

In the event that it's an issue specific to your system, there are a few checks you could do.

You can check the proxy settings by going into System Preferences > Network > Advanced > Proxies and viewing the Web Proxy (HTTP) and Secure Web Proxy (HTTPS) protocols. Both proxies should be configured with the same settings as seen in the below image. Manually adjust them if they are not correct.

These two proxy settings should both be active (ticked) when Jaksta monitoring is ON and deactivated (unticked) when monitoring is OFF. If you toggle the ON/OFF switch in Jaksta then you should be able to see the proxy settings go on and off at the same time.

If they look to be correct then you can check your Firewall settings and make sure that Jaksta isn't being blocked. Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Firewall Options (click the padlock and enter your user credentials to unlock the ability to make changes) and check that Jaksta Media Recorder has a green dot and says 'Allow incoming connections'. If the dot is red then click on the dot and change it to 'Allow incoming connections'. If it is not on the list at all then click the '+' symbol and add Jaksta Media Recorder from the Applications folder.

If the problem persists after doing these checks then it would be good if you could send us a cleaen log to review.

To get a clean log, you will need to do the following:

  • Open Jaksta Media Recorder (JMR)
  • Go to Preferences > General > Find Log File
    • This will open a Finder window that needs to remain open for the remainder of the process
  • Quit JMR
  • Delete the log file in the Finder window
  • Reopen JMR 
    • This will automatically generate a new log file in the Finder window
  • Run one test capture on the problem site/stream (in your case you won't get this far, but just let the browser error appear and then proceed to the next step)
  • Quit JMR once it fails and/or the error is reproduced
  • Source the new log file in the Finder window and then attach it here (don't copy and paste the code in it - send the file itself)



Jaksta Support

--- Import ---
Author: Liam
Created At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Updated At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Views: 108
Votes: 0
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Good morning,

Liam, I verified my system preference per your email. The Poxy were correct and they did change when I toggle Jaksta Media off and back on.

I didn't have my firewall enable. I did enable my firewall, then added Jaksta. A green dot appeared on the left side

I attached a file from Safari and Brave with the errors.


--- Import ---
Author: James Coffey
Created At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Updated At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Views: 108
Votes: 0
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HI James,

If that's the case then there is a chance that is a certificate issue.

Can I please get you to do a check for me and do the following:

- Open: Keychain Access

- Select: 'Certificates' in the Category section in the bottom-left corner

- Double click on: 'applian.com' certificate to open up its details

- Under the Details section find the two lines that are titles 'Not Valid Before' and 'Not Valid After'

- Look at the dates and make sure that neither date is set to a value that would conflict with the current date

- Take a screenshot of the whole window and provide it here (make a point to also expand the Trust section and capture that as well)



Jaksta Support

--- Import ---
Author: Liam
Created At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Updated At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Views: 108
Votes: 0
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That certificate is not in my keychain.

--- Import ---
Author: James Coffey
Created At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Updated At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Views: 108
Votes: 0
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Hi James,

Can you please send me a screenshot of your Certificates list?

If it is indeed missing then that will be the problem. The next step will then be to work out if that is due to Big Sur in any way or a separate reason.



Jaksta Support

--- Import ---
Author: Liam
Created At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Updated At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Views: 108
Votes: 0
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The Applian certification show up after clear th Jaksta log. I trusted the certificate and the errors cleared. Crazy

--- Import ---
Author: James Coffey
Created At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Updated At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Views: 108
Votes: 0
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Hi James,

That is odd, but I'd say take the win!

So does that mean we can consider this resolved for now?



Jaksta Support

--- Import ---
Author: Liam
Created At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Updated At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Views: 108
Votes: 0
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  Yes, however the conversion function runs slow. I'm on MacBook Pro 15' i7, 2.8 Ghz with 16 GB?

--- Import ---
Author: James Coffey
Created At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Updated At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Views: 108
Votes: 0
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Hi James,

It's pretty hard to determine why a conversion might be slow, as it depends on many thins, such as:

  • internet speed
  • stream properties
  • video size
  • conversion type
  • etc.

The list goes on.

If you want you can run a test on a standard YouTube video and set the conversion output to Default and then see if that is slow. If it is, you could generate a clean log like how I outline before and send that through for us to review. If it's speedy enough, then your other slow downloads  might be due to one of the reasons I listed above.



Jaksta Support

--- Import ---
Author: Liam
Created At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Updated At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Views: 108
Votes: 0
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The download files, download fairly fast, bust the conversion is what take a while to convert. I'm converting from m2ts to mp4. 

--- Import ---
Author: James Coffey
Created At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Updated At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Views: 108
Votes: 0
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Hi James,

Good chance that's where the issue lies.

A good way to test this is to download and install the Jaksta Converter, then put the downloaded .m2ts file* into it and set the conversion output to the same type Jaksta Media Recorder is set to. It should then tell you what the conversion speed will be, and if it's either of 'Slow' or 'Slowest' then that will support my theory. You can even begin the conversion process as a test and see how fast or slow it goes.

Jaksta Media Recorder uses the same conversion engine as Jaksta Converter, so this would make for a solid comparison.

*You can get the pre-converted .m2ts file from your Downloads location, which is set in the Media Recorder Preferences > Downloads. You will also need to have the 'Delete Original After Conversion' setting turned OFF in Preferences > Conversion.



Jaksta Support

--- Import ---
Author: Liam
Created At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Updated At: 2020-11-21T02:14:40+08:00
Views: 108
Votes: 0
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