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url line missing

after reformatting my Mac ind reinstalling software (1.5.1), the manual url line on top is missing.

--- Import ---
Author: Yaron
Created At: 2020-11-01T21:10:39+08:00
Updated At: 2020-11-01T21:10:39+08:00
Views: 8
Votes: 0
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1 Comment

Hi Yaron,

We only introduced the URL bar downloader in Version 2. You will need to update to a V2 build to get it back.

It looks as if you have a valid V2 license and code, so you should be fine to install and activate Version 2.



Jaksta Support

--- Import ---
Author: Liam
Created At: 2020-11-01T21:10:39+08:00
Updated At: 2020-11-01T21:10:39+08:00
Views: 8
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

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