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YouTube Download Error

I haven't used the application in a while and just tried to download a YouTube video.  Got and error.  This is the end of the download log:

Stream Downloading In Progress: Size: 49.6 MB/49.6 MB (100%), Time: 00:00:00/00:19:57 (0%), MP4 (H264 ML 3.1, 1280x720 / opus)

Muxing Starting: Size: 49.6 MB/49.6 MB (100%), Time: 00:00:00/00:19:57 (0%), MP4 (H264 ML 3.1, 1280x720 / opus)

Muxing In Progress: Size: 49.6 MB/49.6 MB (100%), Time: 00:00:00/00:19:57 (0%), MP4 (H264 ML 3.1, 1280x720 / opus)

Muxing In Progress: Size: 49.6 MB/49.6 MB (100%), Time: 00:00:00/00:19:57 (0%), MP4 (H264 ML 3.1, 1280x720 / opus)

Stream Downloading Failed: Size: 49.6 MB/49.6 MB (100%), Time: 00:00:00/00:19:57 (0%), MP4 (H264 ML 3.1, 1280x720 / opus)

Unknown error

End: 0001-01-01 12:00 AM

Stream Downloading

Start: 2019-12-05 11:00 AM

Source: https://manifest.googlevideo.com/api/manifest/dash/expire/1575583210/ei/iinpXeqXMJjPj-8PnJar0A8/ip/2601%3A58b%3A0%3Aee0%3Ae8cf%3Ae4ff%3A8a3e%3Ab8b4/id/89ac312f30280098/source/youtube/requiressl/yes/playback_host/r3---sn-hp57yne7.googlevideo.com/mm/31%2C26/mn/sn-hp57yne7%2Csn-5ualdn7l/ms/au%2Conr/mv/m/mvi/2/pl/26/tx/23813226/txs/23813225%2C23813226%2C23813227%2C23813228%2C23813229%2C23813230%2C23813231/hfr/all/as/fmp4_audio_clear%2Cwebm_audio_clear%2Cwebm2_audio_clear%2Cfmp4_sd_hd_clear%2Cwebm2_sd_hd_clear/initcwndbps/1832500/mt/1575561514/fvip/3/fexp/23842630%2C23860863/itag/0/sparams/expire%2Cei%2Cip%2Cid%2Csource%2Crequiressl%2Ctx%2Ctxs%2Chfr%2Cas%2Citag/sig/ALgxI2wwRAIgS0fdgQ86yBbHqyJ0iMjXrywlB2IQN1iKvapmNqSuHt0CIAI5vDoB1mftWmKyyEXedQlyRM2ChOh9ZGkZK3Ot5PcC/lsparams/playback_host%2Cmm%2Cmn%2Cms%2Cmv%2Cmvi%2Cpl%2Cinitcwndbps/lsig/AHylml4wRQIgauthHOJSwZ5-15oQv-Yq08iZmegFLH0Uqb_hok5vo-sCIQCWHGcaOfZiPPIIVYxWSohhiM40_X4q86DOpa073XOAbw%3D%3D

Destination: D:\Dropbox\Photography\Adobe\Photoshop Videos\Scott Detweiler\Couch to Photoshop Episode 101 Learn the Photoshop Interface 1.mp4

Stream Downloading Failed: Size: 32 bytes/32 bytes (100%), Time: 00:00:00/00:19:57 (0%), MP4 (H264 ML 3.1, 1280x720 / opus)

Unknown error

End: 2019-12-05 11:00 AM

--- Import ---
Author: Paul Guden
Created At: 2019-12-06T00:06:00+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-11T11:36:09+08:00
Views: 17
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

The Dash MP4 H264/Opus streams should mux correctly now in  

To avoid long muxing at the end of the download (which is converting the opus audio to aac so it can go in the mp4 container) select an MP4 H264/AAC stream.

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-12-06T00:06:00+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-11T11:36:09+08:00
Views: 17
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

Thank you.  That did the trick.  Much appreciated.

--- Import ---
Author: Paul Guden
Created At: 2019-12-06T00:06:00+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-11T11:36:09+08:00
Views: 17
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

Optus can not be muxed to mp4.  That is why it is failing and that is what I am fixing.

Set these settings to prompt

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-12-06T00:06:00+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-11T11:36:09+08:00
Views: 17
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

More:  All except the last 2 have the DASH/OPUS problem.  

--- Import ---
Author: Paul Guden
Created At: 2019-12-06T00:06:00+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-11T11:36:09+08:00
Views: 17
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

How do I get to the "Multiple Streams Detected" window?  I understand the problem but can't find where to fix it!  Thank you in advance. Note:  This series of videos has 9 videos.  The first 2 have this Dash/Opus problem.  I have downloaded the last 2 with no problems.  Seems odd.

--- Import ---
Author: Paul Guden
Created At: 2019-12-06T00:06:00+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-11T11:36:09+08:00
Views: 17
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

Please select one of the other streams available that isnt Dash with optus audio.  Will support this combination very soon.


--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-12-06T00:06:00+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-11T11:36:09+08:00
Views: 17
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

Hi Paul,

I have transferred your thread over to the Windows technical support forums. One of our Windows support people will help you here.



Jaksta Support

--- Import ---
Author: Liam
Created At: 2019-12-06T00:06:00+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-11T11:36:09+08:00
Views: 17
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

Version on Windows 10 Pro

--- Import ---
Author: Paul Guden
Created At: 2019-12-06T00:06:00+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-11T11:36:09+08:00
Views: 17
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

Hi Paul,

What version of Jaksta are you running on what MacOS are you currently on?



Jaksta Support

--- Import ---
Author: Liam
Created At: 2019-12-06T00:06:00+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-11T11:36:09+08:00
Views: 17
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

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