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auto capture results in error message


Have used v5.4 for many years and one day STOPS working.  Most use is with US PBS using Passport Access.  I am using the AUTO setting and resulting file is in ERROR.  I have read the Technical session and still in the dark.  BTW, I can't create an account and have to use Goggle Email.

Thank You,


--- Import ---
Author: Henry Wong
Created At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Updated At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Views: 61
Votes: 0
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5.4 is very very old.  Streaming changes all the time.  Please upgrade to v7.  It is a free upgrade.

Contact licensing support if you are having troubles upgrading your existing license.

Download:  https://www.jaksta.com/download/windows/jaksta-media-recorder

Licensing support:  https://support.jaksta.com/support/tickets/new

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Updated At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Views: 61
Votes: 0
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Thank You for your prompt reply.  I can now log into my account.

Anyway, I was trying to use v7.0136 (the latest) and NOT 5.

What do I need to do to determine my installation problem(s) with version 7?

Thank You,


--- Import ---
Author: Henry Wong
Created At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Updated At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Views: 61
Votes: 0
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Please provide debug logs showing the issue you are having


--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Updated At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Views: 61
Votes: 0
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Here you GO

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Author: Henry Wong
Created At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Updated At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Views: 61
Votes: 0
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Your logs show you audio recording.  You have process new streams off so nothing is detected.

Switch that on to detect a new stream.  Switch it off only if you don't want any new streams to be detected and recorded.  See the tooltip of that button for further details.


--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Updated At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Views: 61
Votes: 0
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I have tried to follow your instructions and the online docus and can only create mp3 audio files of the video.  I can't figure out how to create a Video file.

I require more detailed instructions.

Henry Wong

--- Import ---
Author: Henry Wong
Created At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Updated At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Views: 61
Votes: 0
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Anyone HOME?

I have turned off audio downloads.  Read previous emails in Technical Support.  I have tweaked the settings under Personalization and Internal Downloads.  I get no downloads under Home when using Auto or paste URL options.  I don't know what else to trial and error.  Can you or anyone else HELP?

Maybe you work for the new company and NOT the old Jaksta?  I have bought several copies under Jaksta and just bought 7 (didn't know I could get for free)!

--- Import ---
Author: Henry Wong
Created At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Updated At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Views: 61
Votes: 0
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Who is the new Jaksta?  Ive been developing this for over 10 years.

As I said your logs show you are Audio Recording.  Audio recording only records audio and is used for capturing music.

Please go to the Main menu in the top left corner and select Tutorial and then have a read and follow the prompts that show you the different capture methods.

PBS can be captured using the Stream Downloader's extraction engine.  Simply cut and paste the url of the page hosting the show.  Multiple formats/qualities are available. 

If you are still having issues please provide debug logs that have debug ON before you attempt to capture a video, 

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Updated At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Views: 61
Votes: 0
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OK, I will try again.  I have been thrashing over a week.  The different capture methods NEVER should up.  I suspected my Firewall has been blocking, but the audio comes thru.  So, does that mean that the video IS NOT block I have another problem.

I will try again.  I have to subscribe to Passport with PBS to get access to the videos I want to download so I will have to see.

A long time ago I was informed that Jaksta was sold to Applan.  I bought their corresponding software assuming Jaksta would go away.  Since you have been with Jaksta, then you are from Down Under!?  I own three software packages from Down Under and have been very pleased.

First problem is I can't get to the above screen to select which download method which has been my problem all alone.

--- Import ---
Author: Henry Wong
Created At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Updated At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Views: 61
Votes: 0
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BTW, I was inform back in 2015 that Jaksta was bought by Applian.  I assumed Jaksta was going away so I bought Applian corresponding line of software.

--- Import ---
Author: Henry Wong
Created At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Updated At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Views: 61
Votes: 0
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Could the PBS video be protected and that's why the software goes into audio mode?

--- Import ---
Author: Henry Wong
Created At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Updated At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Views: 61
Votes: 0
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Could my Firewall be Blocking something?

--- Import ---
Author: Henry Wong
Created At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Updated At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Views: 61
Votes: 0
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Firewall blocking and/or PBS blocking video download causing audio download ONLY?

--- Import ---
Author: Henry Wong
Created At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Updated At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Views: 61
Votes: 0
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We produce the following software for Applian which are skinned versions of our software:  Replay Media Catcher, Replay Music, Replay Radio, Replay Converter.  We have done this for many years.  Applian never brought us ;)

Your last logs are not in debug mode.  Please follow these instructions exactly:


At step 3 - enter the pbs url as per this image and hit enter to start the extraction.  PBS has multiple qualities/formats available and you will be prompted to select the one(s) you want to download.  Double click one.

Provide the logs.

If you cant get to that screen (Download Recorder) then please use the tutorial (from the main menu) as I have described above so you can see how the application works. 

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Updated At: 2019-01-29T13:28:02+08:00
Views: 61
Votes: 0
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