@LtMn - There might be an issue then with winpcap on your machine as your logs do not show RTMP data being sent to the server or you visiting a cam4 page with a cam on it. Perhaps you could try uninstalling that and reinstalling. Alternatively you could try the Jaksta Network Monitor.
@LtMn - Your logs show you went to cam4.co.uk at 19:29:27 and then at 19:30:10 you switched off debug mode. During that time you did not view a cam - there is no RTMP connection shown in the logs.
@Mark Smith - upload your logs as per the sticky post in this forum. Make sure your using v linked to further up in this post.
@LtMn - those logs show know RTMP data either. They also dont show you going to a cam page - just to the cam4.co.uk page. Again there is only about a minute of data in there. 8:30:24 to 08:31:14 before debug was switched off again.
Try this so we can try and get some logs with data in them:
1. Start JMR
2. Go into debug mode (Get Support > and click the Debug Mode on)
3. Start auto monitoring
4. Open your browser go to cam4 and start watching a cam
5. Wait for 2 minutes.
6. Stop auto monitoring
7. Go to Get Support and click the paper plane to send logs to support.
Check that you have not configurated an Proxy in FireFox Network Settings. Or have Installed an Proxy Extension.
And if you have installed JMR with WinPcap check if you have choosen the right Network Interface in JMR Settings
I downloaded the trial. I install but i can not get winpcap to work, im on windows 10. i can get legacy to work. how do i fix i have uninstalled and reinstalled, but still cant get it to cap thru winpcap :(
if i can get working with winpcap i will buy this software as u only ones that can cap c4
If you are use IE or Chrome the Problem also exists?
@LtMn - so there is RTMP data in your logs now - however the first packet shown is being received from the server. First packets should be being sent from you to do the RTMP handshake. This indicates that you have started monitoring after the cam has started playing. I also still can not see you going to a cam4 user page that has a cam on it.
@mark - best to start another thread and include your debug logs and what you were trying to capture. See the sticky post on getting your debug logs.
it seems that cam4 change something again :(
Downloading works but if the cam goes Privat / Password Show the Download stops.
It is posible to fix it again?
good to know. thank you :)
wait, does that mean i have to get a Win version of Jaksta, as well?
@brad - working on it ;) Bootcamp will work whilst your waiting. Or vmware.
Support Migration
Hey, i can not download from cam4.com only with "always record RTMP instand download" but if i close the stream page the download stop. In the last version it works so i down need to have the stream in browser open.
there something i can do ?
What i have to enter in the plugin option to make it work ?
Here are more user how search for a option to work http://stream-recorder.com/forum/recording-rtmp-webcams-cam4-howto-record-xxx-t2704p23.html
--- Import ---
Author: Jadmanx
Created At: 2015-08-25T01:45:20+08:00
Updated At: 2016-04-05T09:45:26+08:00
Views: 9070
Votes: 2
--- Import ---