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Jaksta media recorder will nor record Chaterbate

I tried to record chaterbate with the 2022 version on 3-11 2025 does not work anymore, I bought JMR-2025.2.23.30 same problem with Auto setting as usual says url not supported red symbol then starts extracting again in new line in window then it starts but it also continues to start new lines down the window of attempts to record the stream and each one says connecting but does not stop continues attempts. The first attempt after the red symbol with url not supported does record but it keeps attempt connections. If this problem cannot be solved I will want a refund. As it keeps trying to connect with continued attempts as it scrolls down the window I turn Auto off then the first attempt that is going stops all the other continuous attempts stop then with Auto still turned off the first one that was going and stopped when I switched Auto off still in Auto off automatically starts recording says MPG after tagging and muxing switches to mp4. So the only way to get the repeating attempts to start the recorder Process to stop is to turn off the Auto function by then there are 20 attempted lines of attempts to extract the files in the window that I then delete from the window. Hope you can fix this soon the new version is working the same as the 2022 version..


10 people have this problem

Update on my part, my monitors kicked back in and have started working again, I was away from my pc when it happened so I didn't see any kind of notification, nor is there a new update to download.

I tested it today and yes Houston we have joy, it is working for chaterbate it is recording in the auto setting and is recording in MP4 H264 as usual however you tube does not work I just upgraded from the 2022 version so I do not know if you tube worked with the 2025 version it did not work  with the 2022 version as well.

Yes, Chaturbate works again.
You Tube works with the 2025 version.

Its only working due to CB has roll backed the changes, now there are again only one Stream that includes the audio and video.

But i guess, the changes that there are to Streams one vor audio and one vor video will come back.

update, things have started working again as normal! no feed back no idea. 

Yes everyone, things are back to normal. Dirk Schneider - CB had nothing to do with this and didn't roll back anything. This is issue is 100% Replay Media Catcher and the fact they did an extraction update that was not working with CB. It's happened in the past (at least 3 times that I can remember in the past few years). 

They don't make sending in a help ticket easy, but after posting here, I found where to submit a ticket and sent this issue into them. 

For the future, if this happens again, everyone please send a help ticket in. You can find it at this URL. The more that do this, the quicker it will be resolved.


Question for Frustrated Jaksta media recorder is not the same software as Replay media catcher so why do we need to send a problem request to Replay media catcher ?

When i googled it came back that they are not the same yet I see the update is the same ?

I still cant get it to work...

Andrew with the Auto setting I have to refresh the page many times to get the video to record it can take a minute of refreshing or so.

Ok, I figured it out...every time i download a stream.  A box pops up and says multiple formats and or qualities for the same media have been detected. I couldn't get around this, but all you have to do is double click on the stream in the box, and it starts to download - annoying but I can now download.

  Replay media catcher is the same software

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