With high-res displays, unlicensed JMR appears to hang when license dialog is incorrectly positioned
Magnus Wester
started a topic
14 days ago
When a user with a high-resolution screen like on Surface Pro tablets opens a trial copy of JMR, it shows a license registration window (enter e-mail + license key). This dialog is positioned way outside the visible area and inaccessible to the user. The application is unresponsive except for the invisible window.
A circumvention is to reduce the display scaling from 225-250% which is common on these devices to 150%, which makes the screen unusable but at least you see the haywire window and can move it to where it should have been in the first place. You can then reduce the scaling to the previous setting and enter the license information or close the license information window. After that, the rest of the app appears to work well also on hi-res displays.
JMR should be updated to respect display scaling also for the license information window shown at startup.
Magnus Wester
When a user with a high-resolution screen like on Surface Pro tablets opens a trial copy of JMR, it shows a license registration window (enter e-mail + license key). This dialog is positioned way outside the visible area and inaccessible to the user. The application is unresponsive except for the invisible window.
A circumvention is to reduce the display scaling from 225-250% which is common on these devices to 150%, which makes the screen unusable but at least you see the haywire window and can move it to where it should have been in the first place. You can then reduce the scaling to the previous setting and enter the license information or close the license information window. After that, the rest of the app appears to work well also on hi-res displays.
JMR should be updated to respect display scaling also for the license information window shown at startup.
Thanks for a very useful product!