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No sound for recording stripchat.com video stream

When I use stream downloader to record video stream from stripchat.com, there is no sound with the video. However, if I use the same method to record youtube video, the sound is normal. Attached please find the log file for my download.

--- Import ---
Author: Yuminghu
Created At: 2022-07-08T23:17:39+08:00
Updated At: 2022-07-09T22:48:34+08:00
Views: 15
Votes: 0
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Your logs show there was audio in the captured file and testing here I get audio.

If you are still having issues try changing the HLS downloader.  Settings > Internet Downloads > Advanced > HLS

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2022-07-08T23:17:39+08:00
Updated At: 2022-07-09T22:48:34+08:00
Views: 15
Votes: 0
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Thank you. I just found that if I use edge browser to play the video, I get the sound. However, if I use window media player to play the video, then there is no sound. 

--- Import ---
Author: Yuminghu
Created At: 2022-07-08T23:17:39+08:00
Updated At: 2022-07-09T22:48:34+08:00
Views: 15
Votes: 0
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