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JMR Crashes

For the past few days, whenever I attempt to use JMR, more specifically enter in an URL, JMR will pop-up a "blank.html" window, and after about 3 seconds, the Window and JMR will both close.

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Author: Mike Tackett
Created At: 2021-10-25T01:13:20+08:00
Updated At: 2021-10-25T01:13:20+08:00
Views: 48
Votes: 0
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Please provide debug logs as per https://www.jaksta.com/support/windows/technical/jaksta-media-recorder/how-to-generate-debug-logs-6000009063 so I can see what is happening.

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2021-10-25T01:13:20+08:00
Updated At: 2021-10-25T01:13:20+08:00
Views: 48
Votes: 0
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Attachment included

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Author: Mike Tackett
Created At: 2021-10-25T01:13:20+08:00
Updated At: 2021-10-25T01:13:20+08:00
Views: 48
Votes: 0
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Please delete C:\Users\Conns293\AppData\Local\Jaksta Media Recorder 7\JakstaDVRvd.22000.generated.dll and restart JMR and see if that fixes it.

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2021-10-25T01:13:20+08:00
Updated At: 2021-10-25T01:13:20+08:00
Views: 48
Votes: 0
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I tried that, and still no luck. Additionally, I've gone as far as Uninstalled my Anti Virus, and re-installed JMR, and still get the same issue. Nothing on my end has changed internally, to cause JMR to not work.

--- Import ---
Author: Mike Tackett
Created At: 2021-10-25T01:13:20+08:00
Updated At: 2021-10-25T01:13:20+08:00
Views: 48
Votes: 0
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It's been a week, and no update to this issue. Should there be a resolution sooner than later?

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Author: Mike Tackett
Created At: 2021-10-25T01:13:20+08:00
Updated At: 2021-10-25T01:13:20+08:00
Views: 48
Votes: 0
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JMR is crashing attempting to create a virtual desktop to do DVR recording.

You may have windows update issues.  Please ensure all windows updates have been applied correctly.

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2021-10-25T01:13:20+08:00
Updated At: 2021-10-25T01:13:20+08:00
Views: 48
Votes: 0
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Everything looks fine on my end.

--- Import ---
Author: Mike Tackett
Created At: 2021-10-25T01:13:20+08:00
Updated At: 2021-10-25T01:13:20+08:00
Views: 48
Votes: 0
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