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Win10 v7.0.24.0 DVR no longer works with Xfinity Stream

This is a sudden change - Jaksta DVR worked fine with Xfinity Stream last night, no longer works this AM.

I have made NO changes to my system overnight.

Is Jaksta aware of this issue?  And is it something that will be addressed in an upcoming update / release?


--- Import ---
Author: muSICK Lessons
Created At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Updated At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Views: 41
Votes: 0
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FYI, the Xfinity Stream error message for the Jaksta Media Recorder DVR Browser has been updated since I initial posted.  It now references requiring newer versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Edge...

Still waiting to hear a fix for this or when to expect a new release that will allow the DVR to capture Xfinity Stream again.


--- Import ---
Author: muSICK Lessons
Created At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Updated At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Views: 41
Votes: 0
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OK, I was able to get past this screen by using "User Agent Override" but now that I can get to the xfinity stream web player, I can no long click on the "resume" or "restart" buttons to play videos.  I can select programs from the xfinity DVR but not play them.  Other buttons are all clickable, just not the ones to play videos (which I need to be able to click to record with Jaksta.

--- Import ---
Author: muSICK Lessons
Created At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Updated At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Views: 41
Votes: 0
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Here is an example of what happens now that I'm able to access Xfinity Stream using "User Agent Override" in the Jaksta DVR.

I can do things like click on shows to select them and "recording options" to delete them.  But when I try to click on "Resume" or "Start over" to watch a show, nothing happens.

So I don't know if the click is not being recognized or Xfinity Stream will not play videos in the Jaksta DVR using "User Agent Override".  NOTE:  this was NOT a problem before Jaksta DVR stopped working with Xfinity Stream without "User Agent Override" (My first two posts in this thread)


--- Import ---
Author: muSICK Lessons
Created At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Updated At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Views: 41
Votes: 0
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Over the last week a bunch of DVR only sites have dropped support for Chrome 74, (which is the version we distribute to allow DVR recording to happen).  

This was the last version that allowed code injection.  New versions of Chrome don't allow the DVR code to be injected into them.

I am currently looking at a different way to do DVR. 

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Updated At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Views: 41
Votes: 0
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Is there going to be a solution to this?

--- Import ---
Author: muSICK Lessons
Created At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Updated At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Views: 41
Votes: 0
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Yes. soon.

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Updated At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Views: 41
Votes: 0
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It's been over a month since Jaksta DVR stopped working with all the major streaming sites.  A week since you said "Yes soon" for a solution.

Can we have an update and ETA on a solution please?

As of right now, Jaksta has been completely useless to me for over a month.

--- Import ---
Author: muSICK Lessons
Created At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Updated At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Views: 41
Votes: 0
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Completely understand your frustration,  you can imagine mine.  I'm working diligently on a new DVR type solution.  Please understand that this is not an easy thing and involves a completely new DVR type solution to be developed.  So yes soon.  I was hoping for this weekend to get a beta out but have hit some other issues, so as long as I can find away around then then hopefully next weekend.

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Updated At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Views: 41
Votes: 0
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It's been two months since you said "hoping for this weekend" and "hopefully next weekend'.

3 months since Jaksta DVR stopped working.

Is there an update?

--- Import ---
Author: muSICK Lessons
Created At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Updated At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Views: 41
Votes: 0
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It's now been over 5 months.  Is there an update on a solution to the DVR not working any more?

--- Import ---
Author: muSICK Lessons
Created At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Updated At: 2021-06-08T02:03:09+08:00
Views: 41
Votes: 0
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