jaksta_va.sys is digitally signed. It would not load if it wasnt.
You can view the digital signature, by selecting jaksta_va.sys and right mouse click it and select properties. Digital Signature tab.
jaksta_va.sys for each supported system is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Jaksta Technologies\Jaksta Media Recorder 7\vsc\.
Failed to run filter graph errors are coming from DirectX on your machine, which has been corrupted by something. Normally codec packs being installed or other software that has been installed that has stuffed around with DirectX.
no support
forget it, not pursuing this problem
Support Migration
1. jaksta_va.sys is not digitally signed [direct X diagnostics]
2. netflix,wmv [recorder errors displayed]
failed to run filter graphs
--- Import ---
Author: Dean Foote
Created At: 2021-02-06T10:14:04+08:00
Updated At: 2021-02-07T09:54:28+08:00
Views: 19
Votes: 0
--- Import ---