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media recorder


will you in the future be adding amazon prime and stan and disney to the list of sites you can get video from, also do you need premium accounts with all of them,

i have netflix stan, and amazon prime but havent got disney yet

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Author: Philip Kruger
Created At: 2021-01-16T13:39:35+08:00
Updated At: 2021-01-16T13:39:35+08:00
Views: 11
Votes: 0
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1 Comment

Premium sites such as netflix, amazon, stan etc can be captured using the DVR capture feature of JMR.

If there isnt a quicklink on the right hand column, click the DVR browser button (the globe)  to open the DVR browser and navigate to the site you want to record. 

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2021-01-16T13:39:35+08:00
Updated At: 2021-01-16T13:39:35+08:00
Views: 11
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

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