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I can't read what's downloading at all

 Attached is a picture:  It's just a red X over the entire screen (see attachment).

The monitors appear to work and it appears if I enter a web page into the program it will download but there is NO WAY I CAN SEE IF IT TOOK OR ITS PROGRESS.

AND there would be no way for me to remove or delete completed recordings since I can't see them just that red X.

It also said something about a GDI+ briefly than it went off the screen.

PLEASE help me fix this.  Out of the blue it just did this.  I re-downloaded the program to see if that would fix it but no luck.

Joe Wenzel

--- Import ---
Author: Joe Wenzel
Created At: 2020-12-09T08:13:03+08:00
Updated At: 2021-02-11T06:20:59+08:00
Views: 7
Votes: 0
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Somehow it fixed itself - maybe because of a new windows update.  Thank you for answering.

--- Import ---
Author: Joe Wenzel
Created At: 2020-12-09T08:13:03+08:00
Updated At: 2021-02-11T06:20:59+08:00
Views: 7
Votes: 0
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Something is very wrong with your machine.  Ensure all windows updates are installed successfully, especially those related to .NET.

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2020-12-09T08:13:03+08:00
Updated At: 2021-02-11T06:20:59+08:00
Views: 7
Votes: 0
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Does my request for help deemed not worthy to even bother answering?

--- Import ---
Author: Joe Wenzel
Created At: 2020-12-09T08:13:03+08:00
Updated At: 2021-02-11T06:20:59+08:00
Views: 7
Votes: 0
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I clicked on those blue tiles on the same line as the Mpeg Same Quality and each item I clicked on said:  "A Generic error occurred in GDI+".  If this helps any.

Joe Wenzel

--- Import ---
Author: Joe Wenzel
Created At: 2020-12-09T08:13:03+08:00
Updated At: 2021-02-11T06:20:59+08:00
Views: 7
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

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