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DVR Missing Video


I've been having problems with DVR recording (Amazon Prime) catching the top banner of the browser in the video (which is annoying).  But with v7.0.21.0, the video is now missing (video area is completely black) though audio is captured.  Suggestions?  Thanks in advance.

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Author: Mark
Created At: 2020-09-11T04:32:38+08:00
Updated At: 2020-09-11T04:32:38+08:00
Views: 20
Votes: 0
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Please provide debug logs for both issues as per


--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2020-09-11T04:32:38+08:00
Updated At: 2020-09-11T04:32:38+08:00
Views: 20
Votes: 0
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When I opened Jaksta, it tells me the engine is updated (nothing unusual).

I proceed to generate debug logs per instructions and the resulting file is attached.  The banner of the browser is unfortunately still seen at the top of the video.

But this time, the video is no longer missing.  I suspected it was ok since the tiny video area at the bottom left corner of the Jaksta window was showing this time.

The time before when I did this and the video generated was just a black area, the tiny video area (at bottom left corner) looked like an empty/disconnected component...something not normal.

I recorded only 4 minutes to generate the logs.  Hope this helps. Thank you.

--- Import ---
Author: Mark
Created At: 2020-09-11T04:32:38+08:00
Updated At: 2020-09-11T04:32:38+08:00
Views: 20
Votes: 0
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I see what the issue is and will fix in the next release.

In the mean time install chrome from https://www.google.com/intl/en_au/chrome/, and the title bar should be removed in your DVR recordings.

thanks for reporting

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2020-09-11T04:32:38+08:00
Updated At: 2020-09-11T04:32:38+08:00
Views: 20
Votes: 0
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Hi and thank you for the fix. It works.

--- Import ---
Author: Mark
Created At: 2020-09-11T04:32:38+08:00
Updated At: 2020-09-11T04:32:38+08:00
Views: 20
Votes: 0
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