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Video Freezes When Recording with DVR

When I am recording a video from Amazon, the video occasionally freezes throughout the movie. Any way to fix this?

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Author: David Wooten
Created At: 2020-07-27T07:46:22+08:00
Updated At: 2020-07-27T07:46:22+08:00
Views: 13
Votes: 0
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The DVR is recording the stream as it plays.  If there is any buffering due to internet issues then this is captured.   There is no way around that sorry with the DVR capture method.  Because Amazon is copy protected then DVR capture is the only capture method that can be used.  

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2020-07-27T07:46:22+08:00
Updated At: 2020-07-27T07:46:22+08:00
Views: 13
Votes: 0
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Okay. Thank you.

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Author: David Wooten
Created At: 2020-07-27T07:46:22+08:00
Updated At: 2020-07-27T07:46:22+08:00
Views: 13
Votes: 0
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