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some youtube video can't be downloaded

Hi there,

I found some youtube videos can't be downloaded from time to time.

please take a look of this one:


not only Jaksta, but I also tested other software, they all not working properly unless I download the video and audio separately.

please help!

thank you!

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Created At: 2020-07-10T05:00:06+08:00
Updated At: 2020-07-10T05:00:06+08:00
Views: 10
Votes: 0
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This is an age restricted video.  I am aware there are currently issues with extracting these starting afew days ago with youtubes latest changes to their site.

Whilst Im working on a fix you can remove.  


from Settings > Internet Downloads > Advanced > Extractor tab > The following media urls will be ignored

And then use AUTO mode.  This will allow AUTO mode to pick up the media stream played in your browser.

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2020-07-10T05:00:06+08:00
Updated At: 2020-07-10T05:00:06+08:00
Views: 10
Votes: 0
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Problem solved!

Thank you!

You've been amazing <3

--- Import ---
Created At: 2020-07-10T05:00:06+08:00
Updated At: 2020-07-10T05:00:06+08:00
Views: 10
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

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