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Netflix Blank Screen

 Hello -

I am running Windows 10 - Version 1903 (OS Build 18362.535)

I am having issues lately recording from Netflix in DVR mode.  The recording starts fine, I can see the video in the DVR window.  When I click record, the large window disappears and I get a medium window of the video behind JMR which I can see the video in and I can also see the video in the small box at the bottom left of the JMR main window.  After 2 minutes, the medium window disappears and I can only see the video in the small box at bottom left.

The recording finishes, then when i attempt to view the recording, i have no video.  I can hear the audio track, but the recording is completely blank on video.  Attached are the debug files for your review.

Thanks in advance for your assistance,


--- Import ---
Author: Johnny
Created At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Views: 22
Votes: 0
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Thanks for reporting.  I actually just noticed this the other day as well (the large screen that appears of the video) and have been investigating a fix.

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Views: 22
Votes: 0
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In looking at the logs, did you find anything that would explain why the video is missing from the recording?  This issue for me is not just limited to Netflix.



--- Import ---
Author: Johnny
Created At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Views: 22
Votes: 0
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Try the latest release and provide logs if you still have the issue.

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Views: 22
Votes: 0
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I seem to have the same issue with the updated version.

Please find the log files attached.

--- Import ---
Author: Johnny
Created At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Views: 22
Votes: 0
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Mmm. Nothing is standing out to me in the logs.

Do you still see the big window sometimes when recording on your main screen?  You shoudnt anymore.

Do you see the thumbnail video playing in the bottom left corner of the JMR screen

When recording is happening click the view task next to the search bar - do you see a second desktop with the video playing it it in a small thumbnail view at the top, which you could then click to change to that desktop and see the video playing?

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Views: 22
Votes: 0
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I have upgraded to and am observing the same behavior.  During the recording session, I do see the thumbnail video playing properly in the bottom left of the JMR interface.  When I click on task view and change to desktop 2, i do see the video playing in a separate window.

However, after the recording completes, I review the video and have full audio, but no video.  I have attached a copy of the logs for your review.



--- Import ---
Author: Johnny
Created At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Views: 22
Votes: 0
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Could you please record me a 20 second clip and post the file here.  Your logs look like I would expect them to.

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Views: 22
Votes: 0
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Sorry, this got buried in my life.  I am now up to and get the same behavior.  Heres new log files and the clip as requested.

--- Import ---
Author: Johnny
Created At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Views: 22
Votes: 0
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Sorry, your logs are not in debug mode.  Could you please redo them?

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Views: 22
Votes: 0
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 Sorry about that, find new logs attached.

--- Import ---
Author: Johnny
Created At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Views: 22
Votes: 0
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I just downloaded the most recent version and the same behavior is present.  Audio Only, No Video

--- Import ---
Author: Johnny
Created At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Views: 22
Votes: 0
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OK, so 3 months with no resolution.  Can I just assume that this product will no longer work on sites like Hulu & Netflix?

I've attempted on separate Windows 10 systems each site and get the same result of no video, just audio.  I guess the moral of this is, if you get it working, don't allow Windows Update to bring you to the recent version as it will break Jaksta.

--- Import ---
Author: Johnny
Created At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Views: 22
Votes: 0
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Sorry missed your reply.

DVR does work on latest Windows 10 - 10.0.18363.0 as per screenshot below.  

Unfortunately your logs dont show anything out of the ordinary.  They are all as expected.  I'm not sure of any reason why the DVR cant capture from the Virtual Window especially as you are seeing the DVR recording preview as you are capturing.   I do note your last logs where the May 2019 Update (10.0.18362.0).  I assume you have updated to 1909 (10.0.18363.0).  Might be worth while sending logs through again now just incase they show something, however DVR worked in May 2019 update as well. 

Do you have any other screen recording software installed?  If so what so I can see if there is a clash between them and the DVR.

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Updated At: 2019-12-12T22:23:42+08:00
Views: 22
Votes: 0
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