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Cant download some streams from yiihuu.com

I have a subscription with https://www.yiihuu.com/ and sometimes the player will play flash and switch to html5. Jaksta will detect some of the files but not all in the same play list. I am wondering how to go make it work as it is too technical for me. 



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Author: kusing
Created At: 2019-11-10T11:58:40+08:00
Updated At: 2019-11-10T11:58:40+08:00
Views: 25
Votes: 0
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Good day,

Any technical support for this issue? Been a few days already and no replay.

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Author: kusing
Created At: 2019-11-10T11:58:40+08:00
Updated At: 2019-11-10T11:58:40+08:00
Views: 25
Votes: 0
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Could you please submit your login credentials through the form here and reference this forum post:  https://support.jaksta.com/support/tickets/new.

Also please provide the urls of the pages hosting the two videos which could not be captured.

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-11-10T11:58:40+08:00
Updated At: 2019-11-10T11:58:40+08:00
Views: 25
Votes: 0
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