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chaturbate won't record on JMR after they upgraded their site

I can't get any recordings from chaturbate any more - tried manually adding the url and using DVR. Any ideas how to fix it?

--- Import ---
Author: Peter Fraser
Created At: 2019-11-08T18:35:52+08:00
Updated At: 2019-11-09T00:14:18+08:00
Views: 32
Votes: 2
--- Import ---

1 Comment

Latest Chaturbate changes supported in todays (11/9/2019) auto-update.  Restart JMR to get it.

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-11-08T18:35:52+08:00
Updated At: 2019-11-09T00:14:18+08:00
Views: 32
Votes: 2
--- Import ---

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