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Cahturbate no longer downloads as of 7 Nov 2019

Chaturbate WILL NOT download chaturbate streams at all.

It says this at bottom of screen "Failed to Extract.  Trying extraction from mobile website."

Then it says: "Url is not supported.  Please try AUTO or the DVR captuure methods."

Those two methods don't work either AND the monitor method isn't working as well.

Are you aware of this problem? 

--- Import ---
Author: Joe Wenzel
Created At: 2019-11-08T11:17:08+08:00
Updated At: 2019-11-09T03:51:28+08:00
Views: 409
Votes: 5
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Yes it seems chaturbate changed their streaming - very frustrating

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Author: Peter Fraser
Created At: 2019-11-08T11:17:08+08:00
Updated At: 2019-11-09T03:51:28+08:00
Views: 409
Votes: 5
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 same for me it is necessary to wait for a new vertion to solve the problem

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Author: cyantix
Created At: 2019-11-08T11:17:08+08:00
Updated At: 2019-11-09T03:51:28+08:00
Views: 409
Votes: 5
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is there a update soon ?

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Author: Peter Schaap
Created At: 2019-11-08T11:17:08+08:00
Updated At: 2019-11-09T03:51:28+08:00
Views: 409
Votes: 5
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no idea i'm not support

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Author: cyantix
Created At: 2019-11-08T11:17:08+08:00
Updated At: 2019-11-09T03:51:28+08:00
Views: 409
Votes: 5
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They have change the Code of the Website so the m3u8 Stream Link looks like this


Here \u002D must be changde to "-"

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Author: LibertyX
Created At: 2019-11-08T11:17:08+08:00
Updated At: 2019-11-09T03:51:28+08:00
Views: 409
Votes: 5
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Libertyx that's great you saw what was changed and how to fix it - question is what can I as a jaksta media recorder user do on my end?

Shouldn't Jaksta technical Support fix it?

Unless you're technical support and are on it already.

--- Import ---
Author: Joe Wenzel
Created At: 2019-11-08T11:17:08+08:00
Updated At: 2019-11-09T03:51:28+08:00
Views: 409
Votes: 5
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Based on the above info, i was able to force a high quality download by doing the following on a chrome browser -

1. Enter Inspect Mode when on the page you want to record (Ctrl + Shift + I)

2. Enter Find Mode (Ctrl + F) and search the HTML elements for the word "live-"

3. The first entry should start with <source src="... Right click and click Copy > Copy Element.  If you use copy link address, it will fail.

4. Remove everything before the " and after the second "

I have found this as a workaround until an update can be issued.  Doesn't help with monitors, but at least you can get an on-demand recording if necessary.  It works on some pages that have that element exposed.  However, not every page has that element and I haven't found an additional source src to match against.



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Author: Johnny
Created At: 2019-11-08T11:17:08+08:00
Updated At: 2019-11-09T03:51:28+08:00
Views: 409
Votes: 5
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Latest Chaturbate changes supported in todays (11/9/2019) auto-update.  Restart JMR to get it.

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-11-08T11:17:08+08:00
Updated At: 2019-11-09T03:51:28+08:00
Views: 409
Votes: 5
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it works THX!

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Author: LibertyX
Created At: 2019-11-08T11:17:08+08:00
Updated At: 2019-11-09T03:51:28+08:00
Views: 409
Votes: 5
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It looks like, that this Problem is back till today.

The Monitor and Extrator are not catching any Stream

--- Import ---
Author: LibertyX
Created At: 2019-11-08T11:17:08+08:00
Updated At: 2019-11-09T03:51:28+08:00
Views: 409
Votes: 5
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I am on version and the monitor & extractor are still working for me.

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Author: Johnny
Created At: 2019-11-08T11:17:08+08:00
Updated At: 2019-11-09T03:51:28+08:00
Views: 409
Votes: 5
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Wich Windows Version you are using?

On my Windows 10 Build 1903 it is working but on my Windows 10 Build 1909 it isn't working, booth in the same Network and with the same npcap Version

--- Import ---
Author: LibertyX
Created At: 2019-11-08T11:17:08+08:00
Updated At: 2019-11-09T03:51:28+08:00
Views: 409
Votes: 5
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Chaturbate is working fine here as well.  Please provide debug logs as per https://www.jaksta.com/support/windows/technical/jaksta-media-recorder/how-to-generate-debug-logs-6000009063


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Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-11-08T11:17:08+08:00
Updated At: 2019-11-09T03:51:28+08:00
Views: 409
Votes: 5
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WIn10 Version 1909 (OS Build 18.363.535) here

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Author: Johnny
Created At: 2019-11-08T11:17:08+08:00
Updated At: 2019-11-09T03:51:28+08:00
Views: 409
Votes: 5
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