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Series download from same Site (TV Now) sometimes works / sometimes not

This Series Download works:


This NOT:


(Failed to extract Video / URL is not supported)

Both Series are Premium Content (with Login)

Please fix this ...

--- Import ---
Author: Joerg E
Created At: 2019-09-25T22:36:02+08:00
Updated At: 2019-09-25T22:36:02+08:00
Views: 23
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

1 Comment

And Jaksta - have you got an solution for my problem??

--- Import ---
Author: Joerg E
Created At: 2019-09-25T22:36:02+08:00
Updated At: 2019-09-25T22:36:02+08:00
Views: 23
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

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