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Live streams on OK.ru

 Hey there,

is there any way to stream download (auto) live streams from OK.ru (https://ok.ru/video/liveApp)? The DVR works, I know, but for me that's never a real solution but more like a workaround (no offense).

I can live with the fact that Jaksta can't download archived streams there. I own another tool that works. But not being able to stream download live streams there is annoying.

Thanks in advance.

--- Import ---
Author: Andreas
Created At: 2019-05-25T22:56:04+08:00
Updated At: 2019-05-25T22:56:04+08:00
Views: 135
Votes: 0
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Any infos on this one or plans for the site?

--- Import ---
Author: Andreas
Created At: 2019-05-25T22:56:04+08:00
Updated At: 2019-05-25T22:56:04+08:00
Views: 135
Votes: 0
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Anything on this?

I even updated to, even tho I was more than happy with the old(er) version I was using. Hoping it would finally be able to catch streams there but no.

--- Import ---
Author: Andreas
Created At: 2019-05-25T22:56:04+08:00
Updated At: 2019-05-25T22:56:04+08:00
Views: 135
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

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