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turns sound of computer

 i recently purchased this program  but it made my sound go off on computer so i notified my credit card co to dispute the charge they gave me a phone number but it did not work i also could not get it to down load my songs on singsnap so i had to remove program to get sound back i will download again to get your reply

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Author: Raymond Dover
Created At: 2019-03-13T02:45:46+08:00
Updated At: 2019-03-13T02:45:46+08:00
Views: 26
Votes: 0
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1 Comment

Refund requests should be made via - https://support.jaksta.com/support/tickets/new.

Its possible your computer has selected "Speaker (Digital Video Recorder)" as its default speaker.  If that is the case simply change it back to your speaker.

Click the speaker icon in your system tray and select the speaker you would like.

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-03-13T02:45:46+08:00
Updated At: 2019-03-13T02:45:46+08:00
Views: 26
Votes: 0
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