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JMR is crashing when the internet connection will be interrupted.

If JMR is running and the Internet Connection will be interrupted (e.g. due to router reboot or dsl reconnect) JMR crashes and gets closed.

In Windows Event Log you will see this Error Message

Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung:	C:\Program Files (x86)\Jaksta Technologies\Jaksta Media Recorder 7\jmrp.exe

Problemereignisame:	APPCRASH
Anwendungsname:	jmrp.exe
Anwendungszeitstempel:	5c077266
Fehlermodulname:	StackHash_9d12
Fehlermodulversion:	10.0.17763.292
Fehlermodulzeitstempel:	f3450dbf
Ausnahmecode:	c0000374
Ausnahmeoffset:	PCH_20_FROM_ntdll+0x00070A5C
Betriebsystemversion:	10.0.17763.
Gebietsschema-ID:	1031
Zusatzinformation 1:	9d12
Zusatzinformation 2:	9d126834736d807eeec64e6913eebbe5
Zusatzinformation 3:	09e6
Zusatzinformation 4:	09e678ae10046c5857534d5df2a726ea

Weitere Informationen über das Problem
Bucket-ID:	8bcf6423271392fa5b1dd008e8491198 (1953946550024081816)


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Author: LibertyX
Created At: 2019-02-16T19:40:54+08:00
Updated At: 2019-05-03T00:20:23+08:00
Views: 50
Votes: 0
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Does someone looking into that issue or will it be ignored?

i can say its not caused by an interupt of the internetconnection it is caused by an interupt of the network connection e.g. WLAN reconnect or chanel switching.

--- Import ---
Author: LibertyX
Created At: 2019-02-16T19:40:54+08:00
Updated At: 2019-05-03T00:20:23+08:00
Views: 50
Votes: 0
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Sorry thought I had replied in another thread.  

Cant tell from the details provided but the crash is from a very low level.

Latest windows 10 is causing issues with winpcap on some systems.

Install  https://nmap.org/npcap/  in winpcap mode.  Will probably fix your issue.

Next release will replace winpcap with npcap.

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-02-16T19:40:54+08:00
Updated At: 2019-05-03T00:20:23+08:00
Views: 50
Votes: 0
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Thx for the reply

I have installed npcap in winpcap (api) mode but now jmr will not find any Monitors?

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Author: LibertyX
Created At: 2019-02-16T19:40:54+08:00
Updated At: 2019-05-03T00:20:23+08:00
Views: 50
Votes: 0
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Install directly over the top of winpcap and ensure "Install Npcap in WinPcap API-compatible Mode" is checked.

If you are still having issues please get debug logs via "Debug logs on Start" - see the following:


--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-02-16T19:40:54+08:00
Updated At: 2019-05-03T00:20:23+08:00
Views: 50
Votes: 0
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I can not install npcap when winpcap is already installed

npcap installer is forcing me to uninstall winpcap (WinPcap Api Mode was choosen)

--- Import ---
Author: LibertyX
Created At: 2019-02-16T19:40:54+08:00
Updated At: 2019-05-03T00:20:23+08:00
Views: 50
Votes: 0
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looks like there is some error happening in the background of your image on npcap installing..

In anycase please provide debug logs on start as per my previous response.

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-02-16T19:40:54+08:00
Updated At: 2019-05-03T00:20:23+08:00
Views: 50
Votes: 0
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Here the Logs with npcap is installed

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Author: LibertyX
Created At: 2019-02-16T19:40:54+08:00
Updated At: 2019-05-03T00:20:23+08:00
Views: 50
Votes: 0
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The "Network Monitor" is failing as well to load ... 

Recommend uninstalling winpcap, npcap, and the Jaksta Network Monitor and then rebooting and then reinstalling as required.

If that doesn't sort it out please provide debug logs as follows - switch off the Monitor for this as it just makes the logs harder to read and this is unrelated to that feature.  

Then switch on "Include network trace in debug logs" and then  debug mode and then navigate to Settings > Internet Downloads and then switch on AUTO.  That will give logs with much more details about what is failing hopefully.

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-02-16T19:40:54+08:00
Updated At: 2019-05-03T00:20:23+08:00
Views: 50
Votes: 0
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Hi here the Logs you want.

It works till i reboot my computer after the reboot JMR is not finding any Monitor and i can not start AUTO due to there is no Monitor set.

I have checked the Option "Automatically start the NPCAP Driver at boot Time"

--- Import ---
Author: LibertyX
Created At: 2019-02-16T19:40:54+08:00
Updated At: 2019-05-03T00:20:23+08:00
Views: 50
Votes: 0
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With the latest Installer (https://nmap.org/npcap/dist/npcap-0.99-r7.exe) it is working and i can choose an Monitor and start AUTO but now JMR is not detecting any Stream

--- Import ---
Author: LibertyX
Created At: 2019-02-16T19:40:54+08:00
Updated At: 2019-05-03T00:20:23+08:00
Views: 50
Votes: 0
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You have Monitor HTTPS/SSL switched off and  a network interface selected that has no traffic going over it by the look of it.  Settings > Internet Downloads

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-02-16T19:40:54+08:00
Updated At: 2019-05-03T00:20:23+08:00
Views: 50
Votes: 0
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I have also tried with HTTPS/SSL enabled and here it also not working.

There are only two NIC's that i can choose LAN and WLAN on the Reason that i connected over WLAN i have chosen "WLAN" as NIC to monitor.

With Winpcap its working with the same settings

--- Import ---
Author: LibertyX
Created At: 2019-02-16T19:40:54+08:00
Updated At: 2019-05-03T00:20:23+08:00
Views: 50
Votes: 0
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Can you see if npcap is working with wireshark on your machine.


--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2019-02-16T19:40:54+08:00
Updated At: 2019-05-03T00:20:23+08:00
Views: 50
Votes: 0
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Don't ask me why, however i have removed npcap an reinstalled it again it works...

--- Import ---
Author: LibertyX
Created At: 2019-02-16T19:40:54+08:00
Updated At: 2019-05-03T00:20:23+08:00
Views: 50
Votes: 0
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