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livestreams stop downloading when auto recording

When im auto recording a livestream, i want to quit the page and let JMR keep recording the stream, without me keeping the screen open. 

I used JMR version 4 in the past and it worked fine.

Now with JMR 7 the recoring stops automaticly when i quit the page, while AUTO is still on. 

Any solution? 

--- Import ---
Author: Capitano
Created At: 2018-12-29T21:34:11+08:00
Updated At: 2018-12-29T21:34:11+08:00
Views: 42
Votes: 0
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Please provide debug logs showing the issue


--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2018-12-29T21:34:11+08:00
Updated At: 2018-12-29T21:34:11+08:00
Views: 42
Votes: 0
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See attachment

--- Import ---
Author: Capitano
Created At: 2018-12-29T21:34:11+08:00
Updated At: 2018-12-29T21:34:11+08:00
Views: 42
Votes: 0
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The site is using secure websockets and can only be captured with AUTO on.  If you switch AUTO off then traffic is nolonger monitored and therefore cant be captured.

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2018-12-29T21:34:11+08:00
Updated At: 2018-12-29T21:34:11+08:00
Views: 42
Votes: 0
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It's not about the auto switch. I keep that always ON.

It's that i dont want to keep the page open while im recording. 

In the older jaksta (version 4) i started recording and then i could leave the page and it kept recording the stream. 

Now when i exit the page it will stop the recording. 

Please help me find a solution. 

--- Import ---
Author: Capitano
Created At: 2018-12-29T21:34:11+08:00
Updated At: 2018-12-29T21:34:11+08:00
Views: 42
Votes: 0
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V4 is extremely old and secure websockets did not exist back then as a streaming media protocol and therefore v4 never support it.

If you switch AUTO off or close the connection (by closing the browser tab) then there is nothing to capture.  

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2018-12-29T21:34:11+08:00
Updated At: 2018-12-29T21:34:11+08:00
Views: 42
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

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