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DVR - Can't record on NBC

 Hello -

I am trying to record from nbc.com.  When i start the DVR and navigate to the page, I see the commercial and the video, but no audio is present in the preview.  I click RECORD and the file is created and saved.  When I play the file, the audio is fine, but there is no video, no artifacts, just black screen.  Any ideas?


Cheers in advance for the assistance,


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Author: Johnny
Created At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Updated At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Views: 44
Votes: 0
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On the DVR you won't hear sound in the preview.  

The sound at that stage is redirected ready for capture.  I would need logs to work out why you are getting a black screen.

Please collect logs as per:


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Author: CRS
Created At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Updated At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Views: 44
Votes: 0
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 As requested

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Author: Johnny
Created At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Updated At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Views: 44
Votes: 0
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Any luck with the logs I submitted?  The issue is extending beyond NBC, just tried something from Amazon and same thing.



--- Import ---
Author: Johnny
Created At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Updated At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Views: 44
Votes: 0
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Yes.  Thanks for submitting them.   This is about to be released later today which fixes this issue with the latest Chrome.


Here is an image for Jaksta Media Recorder downloading from Amazon Prime.


--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Updated At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Views: 44
Votes: 0
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I installed the updated version, however, I am experiencing the same behavior with both NBC and Amazon.  I attached new logs for your evaluation.



--- Import ---
Author: Johnny
Created At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Updated At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Views: 44
Votes: 0
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Mmmm frustrating.  Works all ok here with the latest Chrome - 69.0.3497.100 as the image shows.   

So the recordings are still black but with sound yes?

I see you have 4 monitors attached.  Are they something that has been newly added since the DVR worked for you?  

How are they set up - one very large virtual screen or are they different desktops?  When you click record, the DVR Browser should disappear from your screen, but in your case do you still see it but it moves to one of your other monitors?

I have two very large monitors and all works ok on two as the images shows.

To test to see if it is something to do with 4 monitors or something else happening could you please do the following test in debug mode for me.  

Switch off three of your monitors and adjust your desktop accordingly so your system is only using one, then start JMR and do a DVR recording of Amazon and attach the logs here if it doesnt work.

Thanks for your help.

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Updated At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Views: 44
Votes: 0
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Thank you for your troubleshooting steps.  The 4 monitors that I have on this system have been there since the purchase of Jaksta, nothing newly added for hardware to the system either except an additional hard drive.  The monitors are in an extended desktop configuration.

Here are the logs for another run in the configuration you requested.  Still same behavior with searchable audio and no video.

Cheers for all your work,


--- Import ---
Author: Johnny
Created At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Updated At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Views: 44
Votes: 0
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Here is the video you were downloading recording fine in the DVR.

Do you see the preview window as circled above or is that black?

Please install this one:


On the Support tab click the "Debug mode on Start" and restart the application and do a dvr recording again.  

Sorry might have to go back and forth for a while on this one as it isnt obvious to me what is happening at the moment on your machine.

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Updated At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Views: 44
Votes: 0
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Could you also take a screenshot of the video starting to play in the DVR browser before you click the record button.


--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Updated At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Views: 44
Votes: 0
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When it worked, I did see a video in the preview window.  Recently it has been black.

I installed the new version you linked and attached is the debug file as requested.

Thank you for your persistence with this issue.  My layout looks a bit different than yours on the main JMR screen, the video preview is not in the blue bar as shown in your picture.



--- Import ---
Author: Johnny
Created At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Updated At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Views: 44
Votes: 0
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You are using an old version of Chrome - v69 according to these new logs.  70 is the latest.  Can you update and see if that is the issue?

In Chrome - Settings > Help > About Google Chrome.

Once updated please provide the debug logs again.

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Updated At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Views: 44
Votes: 0
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Chrome updated, same behavior.  Attached are the logs, thanks again.

--- Import ---
Author: Johnny
Created At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Updated At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Views: 44
Votes: 0
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Some things to try as you do have DVR settings on that are not the defaults, however I can have them set the same as you and still get a recording.

With Jaksta shutdown please open your task manager and ensure there are no Jaksta processes running

If there are kill them off.

Download and install the latest version, reboot and reset your settings using the button shown below:

If that doesnt work, please provide debug logs again and let me know if the preview was there or not.

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Updated At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Views: 44
Votes: 0
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Also please test with just one monitor on.  Thx

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Updated At: 2018-09-30T20:01:14+08:00
Views: 44
Votes: 0
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