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napster on auto

 when will be a fix for napster to work on auto, not a fan of sound of record function

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Author: Jeff Hinkle
Created At: 2018-03-20T22:26:28+08:00
Updated At: 2018-03-20T22:26:28+08:00
Views: 48
Votes: 0
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Could you please provide debug logs:

1. Click the "Get Support" tab

2. Click the "If requested by support switch Debug Mode on"

3. Open your browser and go to napster and play a song

4. Click the "Get Support" tab again

5. Click the paper airplane icon - "Send Logs"

6. Attached the generated file (which is placed on your desktop) to the forum topic.

If you are in application mode audio recording you can mute the sound of your browser and audio recording will continue.

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2018-03-20T22:26:28+08:00
Updated At: 2018-03-20T22:26:28+08:00
Views: 48
Votes: 0
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--- Import ---
Author: Jeff Hinkle
Created At: 2018-03-20T22:26:28+08:00
Updated At: 2018-03-20T22:26:28+08:00
Views: 48
Votes: 0
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 ok sent

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Author: Jeff Hinkle
Created At: 2018-03-20T22:26:28+08:00
Updated At: 2018-03-20T22:26:28+08:00
Views: 48
Votes: 0
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There is something wrong with the installed certificate and the internal proxy is failing.

Please uninstall and check Delete any existing settings and Library.  On reinstall the certificate will be recreated and installed.

If it is still not working then please provide debug logs again as per the above.

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2018-03-20T22:26:28+08:00
Updated At: 2018-03-20T22:26:28+08:00
Views: 48
Votes: 0
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