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Unable to record from site

New problem on site reputed for difficult with JMR. http://meloman.ru/concert/ansambl-aleksandrova-22-06-17/ I tried all modes including DVR. Can you solve ?

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Author: Sylvain Roth
Created At: 2017-08-12T21:10:13+08:00
Updated At: 2017-08-12T21:10:13+08:00
Views: 76
Votes: 0
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I can capture that video here using the AUTO capture mode.


If you are still having issues, please clear your browser's cache and try again.  If still an issue please provide debug logs by following these instructions: https://support.jaksta.com/discussions/topics/6000009063

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2017-08-12T21:10:13+08:00
Updated At: 2017-08-12T21:10:13+08:00
Views: 76
Votes: 0
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Clearing the browser cache did the trick. Thank you for your help.


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Author: Sylvain Roth
Created At: 2017-08-12T21:10:13+08:00
Updated At: 2017-08-12T21:10:13+08:00
Views: 76
Votes: 0
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This will not record : http://meloman.ru/concert/krisrof-barati-nikolay-lugansky/

(also streaming does not work on IE 11, Win 7, but does work with firefox),

however, this : http://meloman.ru/concert/mezhdunarodnyj-master-klass-2017/

with stream on IE11 and record with JMR. Can you explain and find a way to circumvent ?

--- Import ---
Author: Sylvain Roth
Created At: 2017-08-12T21:10:13+08:00
Updated At: 2017-08-12T21:10:13+08:00
Views: 76
Votes: 0
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I can capture it here in AUTO mode in IE 11.


Ensure your browser is cleared as videos by this site are cached by the browser.

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2017-08-12T21:10:13+08:00
Updated At: 2017-08-12T21:10:13+08:00
Views: 76
Votes: 0
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Also note that the browser starts downloading the video as soon as the page is loaded, it doesnt wait until you press play in the player to start downloading it. Therefore AUTO must be on before you open the page to that url.  

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2017-08-12T21:10:13+08:00
Updated At: 2017-08-12T21:10:13+08:00
Views: 76
Votes: 0
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You tested successfully the link that I told you I found working.

However, the first link: meloman.ru/concert/krisrof-barati-nikolay-lugansky/ will not be captured. As I said, it is strange that the video does not play with IE11 (11.0.9600.18697) with windows seven pro (64b). Same will play without problem using firefox. Since I gather JMR uses the same engine as IE, there is a connexion there. Perhaps with JMR supporting other engines (like that uses by firefox or opera) could this isssue be fixed properly. With concerns about the reliability and safety of using IE, and keeping it updated when not using automatic updates, that would be of great benefit to all your users. Best Regards

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Author: Sylvain Roth
Created At: 2017-08-12T21:10:13+08:00
Updated At: 2017-08-12T21:10:13+08:00
Views: 76
Votes: 0
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I'm sorry but you are incorrect in your assertion that the Stream Downloader requires IE or any other browser for that matter to detect and capture streams such those on this site.  There is no issue here as I have already shown.

The Digital Video Recorder capture method does use IE as this is the only browser that can be used for this type of behind the scenes screen recording. The DVR capture method is only required for premium sites where copy protection is deployed and therefore stream downloading is illegal.  

Capturing from this site does not require the DVR method to be captured.  Use the AUTO mode of the Stream Downloader as I have shown.

Here is that link playing in IE.


If you do not have automatic updates on then you are really on your own from a security and functionality standpoint.

If you decide to updated your machine and if you are still having issues capturing, then please provide debug logs as per https://support.jaksta.com/discussions/topics/6000009063

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2017-08-12T21:10:13+08:00
Updated At: 2017-08-12T21:10:13+08:00
Views: 76
Votes: 0
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If you insist on using the DVR capture method then change Settings > DVR > Browser Emulation to IE 11, then open the DVR browser and go to that link and play the video and then record.


--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2017-08-12T21:10:13+08:00
Updated At: 2017-08-12T21:10:13+08:00
Views: 76
Votes: 0
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