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BBC Download problems


I'm getting this error in past few day

Url is not supported. Please try Auto detection or the Digital Video Recorder.



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Author: Alan Scott
Created At: 2017-04-09T16:19:43+08:00
Updated At: 2017-04-09T16:19:43+08:00
Views: 35
Votes: 0
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Extraction engine 2017.04.11 implements support for recent changes at BBC.

The engine is auto updated when you start JMR.

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2017-04-09T16:19:43+08:00
Updated At: 2017-04-09T16:19:43+08:00
Views: 35
Votes: 0
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Thanks for the speedy response

I have restarted JMR with updated Extraction Engine and the problem still persists...



--- Import ---
Author: Alan Scott
Created At: 2017-04-09T16:19:43+08:00
Updated At: 2017-04-09T16:19:43+08:00
Views: 35
Votes: 0
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--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2017-04-09T16:19:43+08:00
Updated At: 2017-04-09T16:19:43+08:00
Views: 35
Votes: 0
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Please find file attached.



--- Import ---
Author: Alan Scott
Created At: 2017-04-09T16:19:43+08:00
Updated At: 2017-04-09T16:19:43+08:00
Views: 35
Votes: 0
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Your logs show an SSL certificate error when attempting to connect to bbc.

ssl.CertificateError: hostname u'mm.bidi.bbc.co.uk' doesn't match either of '*.akamaihd.net', '*.akamaihd-staging.net', '*.akamaized-staging.net', '*.akamaized.net', 'a248.e.akamai.net'

Im not sure exactly why you are getting this (BBC downloads fine here - just tested with the Bake Off episode you are trying to capture).  

Its most likely a cached SSL certificate.  Try clearing your systems SSL state and restart your computer.

On Windows 7

1. Start > Run and enter inetcpl.cpl to start the Internet Properties

2. On the Content tab click the clear SSL State button

3. Restart your computer

Are you using a proxy service or something else to bypass geoblocking?  That might be causing and issue as well.

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2017-04-09T16:19:43+08:00
Updated At: 2017-04-09T16:19:43+08:00
Views: 35
Votes: 0
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Thanks for the feedback

I have Cleared the SSL certificate cashe did not help.

I have also searched my hard drive and registry for anything with akam* nothing showed up

I do use unlocator to get access to the BBC but that works if I watch in the browser but not to download.

I have installed and tried on another machine and works perfectly. I think its time for a wipe and reinstall of my main machine.

Many thanks for your help


--- Import ---
Author: Alan Scott
Created At: 2017-04-09T16:19:43+08:00
Updated At: 2017-04-09T16:19:43+08:00
Views: 35
Votes: 0
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