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UrlCache folder (cached URLs by Jaksta)

Hi there,

I just found a folder called UrlCache in 'X:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Jaksta Media Recorder 6' with 33000+ entries and a wooping size of 1.12GB (yea, I guess that means I'm a power user).

How about adding a clear cache/urls option to Jaksta, just like the old versions had? At least I don't see such option in Jaksta 6.

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Author: Andreas
Created At: 2017-03-09T10:29:15+08:00
Updated At: 2017-03-15T10:35:35+08:00
Views: 53
Votes: 0
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Good point :)  Will add it to the list.  

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2017-03-09T10:29:15+08:00
Updated At: 2017-03-15T10:35:35+08:00
Views: 53
Votes: 0
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Adding it to your do list, what was the action? Is there a cache folder on the my Mac? Where is it located and what is its name? Is there a "clean cache" available? It might help to speed up the downloads. Can I clear the cache folder myself?


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Author: Gert Schreuder
Created At: 2017-03-09T10:29:15+08:00
Updated At: 2017-03-15T10:35:35+08:00
Views: 53
Votes: 0
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JMR7 self cleans its cache.  Please ask on the mac forums for help with our Mac versions:  https://www.jaksta.com/support/mac/technical

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2017-03-09T10:29:15+08:00
Updated At: 2017-03-15T10:35:35+08:00
Views: 53
Votes: 0
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Good to know, so I don't have to worry. Need no other help. Thanks for your reply.


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Author: Gert Schreuder
Created At: 2017-03-09T10:29:15+08:00
Updated At: 2017-03-15T10:35:35+08:00
Views: 53
Votes: 0
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My Jaksta is NOT clearing its cache. I will delete 100s of entries and then close the program. The next day when i open the program up, all those entries that I deleted are back. I have done this dozens of times. I have to do this EVERY day. The files do not exist on my HD but yet Jakstar keeps showing them. its so annoying. I am using Jaksta 2024 I have been using Jakstar since Jaksta 5 and never had this issue till recent. My install is a fresh install on a fresh install of Windows 11 home. 

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