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Cannot record from meloman.ru site

I cannot record, either stream or in dvr mode for example :


I tried DVD browser, selecting direct iframe (such as http://player.meloman.facecast.net/16-12-16-19-00-F2/),

to no avail. Current version is

--- Import ---
Author: Sylvain Roth
Created At: 2016-12-21T01:34:01+08:00
Updated At: 2016-12-21T01:34:01+08:00
Views: 34
Votes: 0
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1 Comment

To record this video using the DVR, please change Settings > DVR > Browser Emulation to IE 11 and use http://player.meloman.facecast.net/?key=16-12-16-19-00-F2 as the url in the DVR browser.  

The video does not autoplay so you will need to press the play button in the video player before pressing the red record button.



--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2016-12-21T01:34:01+08:00
Updated At: 2016-12-21T01:34:01+08:00
Views: 34
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

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