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Can't download Cybrary Video


I'm evaluating your product and I can't download the Cybrary video  ( https://www.cybrary.it).

--- Import ---
Author: Mo Mala
Created At: 2016-11-22T07:41:39+08:00
Updated At: 2016-11-22T07:41:39+08:00
Views: 32
Votes: 0
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1 Comment

Detected and downloads here ok - looks like they are using vimeo.  

Ensure AUTO is on before you go the website and start playing the video.

If you are still having issues then please provide the url to the video in question and debug logs following the steps provided here:  https://www.jaksta.com/support/windows/technical/jaksta-media-recorder/how-to-generate-debug-logs-6000009063

Jaksta downloading Cybrary

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2016-11-22T07:41:39+08:00
Updated At: 2016-11-22T07:41:39+08:00
Views: 32
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

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