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Cannot Record Jasmin RTMP

I used to record RTMP streams from livejasmin.com free chat and the private shows I'd paid for. A few months ago, livejasmin.com was shut down, leaving only the newer jasmin.com and new.livejasmin.com sites. I've only recently attempted to record a private at jasmin.com and discovered that Jaksta (at least with my settings) is unable to do so.

Jaksta records a second of a 'private' RTMP stream before 'Tagging' and 'Completing' the capture (I've added jasmin,com/flv to Site Specific Settings). Attempting to download a private in Jaksta terminates the show before it begins (presumably only a single request for a private stream is allowed).

On any of the pages listing performers, the exact same behaviour is exhibited when accessing free chat by hovering over a performer's thumbnail. Usually only one second is recorded (on extremely rare occasions, indefinite recording). If record RTMP is off, Jaksta is able to download free chat for as long as one hovers over the thumbnail (why does the download stop?). Thumbnails also provide an identical HTTPS stream of free chat (I now have Monitor HTTPS/SSL off).

I don't know if the two occurrences are technically identical because I don't know what to look for in the jmrp.exe.log files. I wont upload any debug logs right away in case you want me to use certain Jaksta settings or include network traces in logs etc (also, mainly using Chrome, can use Edge).

Thank you.

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Author: Andrew Nichols
Created At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Updated At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Views: 418
Votes: 0
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Ok so Ive made some changes to try and support this


This probably wont work first time as Im only going off the behaviour in your logs and dont have anything to test it against, so could you please download and install this and then provide your debug logs as you go into a private just as you have done previously.


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Author: CRS
Created At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Updated At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Views: 418
Votes: 0
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ok let me have a play and see what i can come up with.  Will get back to you in a few days.

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Updated At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Views: 418
Votes: 0
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"The image is fuzzy but in my experience it usually is at the beginning of a Jasmin flv recording."


Actually, looking at the beginning of past Jasmin captures, the artefacts in this recording are totally different and far worse. The image jumps around with tearing and blurring in places but the video itself plays smoothly.

--- Import ---
Author: Andrew Nichols
Created At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Updated At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Views: 418
Votes: 0
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"You're* getting a NetStream.Play.Stop from the server so the recording is closed.  You're* not closing the hosting page are you?"

I suspect the NetStream.Play.Stop is due to me closing the tab. I only went private to generate a log so I closed the tab a few seconds after Jaksta stopped recording. I don't fully understand the logs so only you can identify when the recording stopped as opposed to when the stream was terminated.

"Also does the file you recorded playback or does it jump around?  Looks like there might be two streams playing at the same time as you go from free to private and both are going into the same file."

The image is fuzzy but in my experience it usually is at the beginning of a Jasmin flv recording. Since it's only two seconds long, there's no way of knowing whether the picture would have cleared up. Just to be clear, the performer was already in private when I opened her page, so there was no free chat before I entered the private already in session.

Without knowing how these things work, I already wondered whether there could be two streams. The first being the one Jaksta records for one-two seconds before the server terminates it.

--- Import ---
Author: Andrew Nichols
Created At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Updated At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Views: 418
Votes: 0
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Also does the file you recorded playback or does it jump around?  Looks like there might be two streams playing at the same time as you go from free to private and both are going into the same file.

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Updated At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Views: 418
Votes: 0
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Your getting a NetStream.Play.Stop from the server so the recording is closed.  Your not closing the hosting page are you?  When recording you need to keep the network stream you need to keep it playing in your browser so there is something to record.

2016-11-10 19:11:08,596 [5] INFO c4 [(null)] - AMF: Key: clientid

2016-11-10 19:11:08,596 [5] INFO c4 [(null)] - AMF: System.String : qAA1ALAA

2016-11-10 19:11:08,596 [5] INFO c4 [(null)] - AMF: Key: code

2016-11-10 19:11:08,596 [5] INFO c4 [(null)] - AMF: System.String : NetStream.Play.Stop

2016-11-10 19:11:08,596 [5] INFO c4 [(null)] - AMF: Key: description

2016-11-10 19:11:08,596 [5] INFO c4 [(null)] - AMF: System.String : Stopped playing privstreams/clonedPrivateLiveStream.

2016-11-10 19:11:08,596 [5] INFO c4 [(null)] - AMF: Key: details

2016-11-10 19:11:08,596 [5] INFO c4 [(null)] - AMF: System.String : privstreams/clonedPrivateLiveStream

2016-11-10 19:11:08,597 [5] INFO c4 [(null)] - AMF: Key: level

2016-11-10 19:11:08,597 [5] INFO c4 [(null)] - AMF: System.String : status

2016-11-10 19:11:08,597 [5] INFO c4 [(null)] - AMF: Key: reason

2016-11-10 19:11:08,597 [5] INFO c4 [(null)] - AMF: System.String : 

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Updated At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Views: 418
Votes: 0
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Took a new recording, this time with default settings except for 'Always record RTMP streams (instead of downloading)' switched on. It recorded the first two seconds. Any ideas?

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Author: Andrew Nichols
Created At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Updated At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Views: 418
Votes: 0
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Adding jasmin.com to Site Specific settings wont do anything as mentioned previously as jasmin.com uses IP addresses in their urls not domain names.

So this is what I see in your logs happening:

At 19:16:10: Model KatyaFox, secure stream with AlwaysRecordRtmp set to on.  

Stream is from rtmp://<break>katyafoxxx.free.21597744d4cfb88aa3c3c43e84f73215, 

Recording starts and contrinues for about 4 seconds (~784 KB).  The server then closes the connection, and recording stops.

At 19:16:18, You then play it with VLC and then delete the file to your recycle bin.

At 19:17:02 a new connection for KatyaFox is created this time to


Looks like private session

Afew seconds later at 19:17:14,225 a closeConnection message from the server is then received and the connection is closed at the network level by the server.

Another connection is made this time to


I would assume is the free channel again

Recording starts again at 19:17:14,788 and continues to 19:17:22,694 (1.41 MB)

The server then sends a network fin and reset, so the recording is closed.

You then play the file with vlc @ 19:17:25,224, and delete it at 19:17:29,248

Another rtmp connection is then started at 19:17:33,351

This one is for rtmp://<break>privstreams/clonedPrivateLiveStream

Looks like private again

Recording then starts again at 19:17:50,694 till 19:17:53,721 (1 MB) when a NetStream.Play.Stop for privstreams/clonedPrivateLiveStream is received from the server and the recording is closed.

Data continues to arrive up until you collect the logs @ 19:18:05,186 bu the recording is closed so ignored.

Not sure why a server would send a NetStream.Play.Stop when infact it is not stopping.  You can see the packet in the log file jmrp.exe.log.1 processed between 19:17:53,721 and 19:17:53,726

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Updated At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Views: 418
Votes: 0
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"This is their site closing the connection. Make sense as its a preview of the cam. Nothing can be done here as their server closes the connection."


I see, thanks. What threw me was sometimes RTMP previews would continue to download until 'Stopped Manually' in Jaksta but I guess they were server side 'anomalies' (as opposed to the one second RTMP recordings being Jaksta's 'error').


With 'Always record RTMP streams (instead of downloading)' and Debug Mode on, I twice tried and failed to enter a private. It's as if record didn't work, Jaksta requested second downloads of the stream and I got booted. After adding jasmin.com to Site Specific settings, Jaksta managed to record one second of private. Please see logs attached.

--- Import ---
Author: Andrew Nichols
Created At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Updated At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Views: 418
Votes: 0
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"By the way, when downloading RTMP from a thumbnail, the download terminates when the cursor is merely moved away, not over another performer (it's not a case of download limitations). That's why I'm curious as to why it doesn't download indefinitely."

> This is their site closing the connection.  Make sense as its a preview of the cam.  Nothing can be done here as their server closes the connection.

As I said in my reply, I can't test private chats. 

If you would like me to look at your debug logs then please ensure Settings > Internet Downloads > Advanced > RTMP > Always record RTMP streams (instead of downloading) is on and then follow the instructions here: https://support.jaksta.com/discussions/topics/6000009063

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Updated At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Views: 418
Votes: 0
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By the way, when downloading RTMP from a thumbnail, the download terminates when the cursor is merely moved away, not over another performer (it's not a case of download limitations). That's why I'm curious as to why it doesn't download indefinitely.

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Author: Andrew Nichols
Created At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Updated At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Views: 418
Votes: 0
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I am sorry, I thought the middle part of your post was a quote of my previous (probably because it's in a box, like forum quotations), so I didn't read it.

Just to clarify, as one enters private, the free chat stream ends and a new RTMP stream begins for private. One isn't booted with record on yet the record fails after a second or so.

I would be grateful if you could look over a log. Would you want a low level debug log?

--- Import ---
Author: Andrew Nichols
Created At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Updated At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Views: 418
Votes: 0
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I can download free channels from jasmin.com here .   Infact I can close the browser tab hosting the model and JMR continues to record.  Please provide debug logs if you can't download a free stream.


When hovering over a model's thumbnail, the site is opening an RTMP stream, which if monitoring is on will be picked up and downloaded. When you move to another model the previous streams are closed by the server and the new one is opened and the same happens.  This is just how their site works.  JMR is doing what it is supposed to and picking up RTMP streams and downloading them.

I cant test private streams, but the site is streaming rtmp so if a stream closed it is because the server is cutting it off when you go private.  It may be possible to record instead of download.  

There doesn't seem to be any pattern we can use for a site specific recording as they use IP addresses and random paths for their server endpoints so you will need to switch on Always record RTMP.

Settings > Internet Downloads > Advanced > RTMP > Always record RTMP streams (instead of downloading)




--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Updated At: 2016-11-07T22:15:06+08:00
Views: 418
Votes: 0
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