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"complete (errors)" message

It's my first time using Jacksta and I'm trying to extract videos from an online training manual. I'm entering the url in and I've selected both the Download and also Digital Video Recording option several times. It keeps saying Complete (errors) every single time. Is this user error? Any advice? Screenshot attached. Please help!

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Author: kara s.
Created At: 2016-10-27T22:15:08+08:00
Updated At: 2016-10-27T22:15:08+08:00
Views: 49
Votes: 0
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1 Comment

The extraction method you are trying to use (entering the url into JMR) is only available for a selection of popular sites that stream in a certain way and helicopterground.com is not one of them.

Sorry can't test here (as that video is behind a login) to tell you which method to use, but there are two other methods of capturing video for you to try as per the error you are receiving.

1.  AUTO detection - can download most non-copy protected videos

a. Switch JMR's AUTO detection mode to ON by clicking the AUTO button

b. Open your web browser and go to the page hosting the video

c. Play the video.

d. JMR should pick up the stream and download it


2. DVR - can capture pretty much any video

a. Change the capture method to "Digital Video Recorder" by clicking the Capture Method button

b. Open the DVR browser, by clicking the DVR Browser button 

c. Navigate to  helicopterground.com and login and then onto the video you want to capture.

d. Play the video and once it starts playing click the red REC button

Here is an example for netflix but it the same for helicopterground.com


If your still having issues please follow these instructions to get debug logs and we can see what is going on.


--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2016-10-27T22:15:08+08:00
Updated At: 2016-10-27T22:15:08+08:00
Views: 49
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

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