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It does not work anymore

From last week i realized that Jaksta media recorder 6 is not more able to extract video from very popular Italian web sites like www.repubblica.it , www.lastampa.it and more others.

Please help.

Thank you.

--- Import ---
Author: Carlo Straulino
Created At: 2016-10-11T12:10:20+08:00
Updated At: 2016-10-11T12:10:20+08:00
Views: 60
Votes: 0
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Works fine here.

Please provide a video url that you cant capture and your debug logs: https://support.jaksta.com/discussions/topics/6000009063


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Author: CRS
Created At: 2016-10-11T12:10:20+08:00
Updated At: 2016-10-11T12:10:20+08:00
Views: 60
Votes: 0
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Could you please analyze attached file?

Thank you

--- Import ---
Author: Carlo Straulino
Created At: 2016-10-11T12:10:20+08:00
Updated At: 2016-10-11T12:10:20+08:00
Views: 60
Votes: 0
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Your logs show your attempting to use the extraction capture method (entering a url and clicking the download button).  

That only works for a subset of sites and as per the message you receive when a site is not supported using that method, (like this one), you need to use the Auto detection capture method.

1.  Close your browser

2.  Switch the Auto button on

3. Open your browser and go to the site and start playing the video

4. JMR will detect and begin to download the video and in this instance you can stop playing it in your browser if you want.

The image above shows it auto detecting and downloading.


--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2016-10-11T12:10:20+08:00
Updated At: 2016-10-11T12:10:20+08:00
Views: 60
Votes: 0
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Now it seems to work.

(It seemed to me that before worked well with Auto button off)

Thank you for the support!

--- Import ---
Author: Carlo Straulino
Created At: 2016-10-11T12:10:20+08:00
Updated At: 2016-10-11T12:10:20+08:00
Views: 60
Votes: 0
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I have a problem with Jaksa Media Recorder.

Could you please analyze attached log file?

Thank you in advance for your suppor.

--- Import ---
Author: Carlo Straulino
Created At: 2016-10-11T12:10:20+08:00
Updated At: 2016-10-11T12:10:20+08:00
Views: 60
Votes: 0
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Log files contain a huge amount of data.  Therefore it is necessary for you to tell me what the issue is/what you are trying to capture as well as the debug logs.

Also please do no switch on "Include network trace in log debug logs"  unless asked to.

--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2016-10-11T12:10:20+08:00
Updated At: 2016-10-11T12:10:20+08:00
Views: 60
Votes: 0
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Now it seems to work, I don't know what happened.
Thanks for your support.
Best regards,


--- Import ---
Author: Carlo Straulino
Created At: 2016-10-11T12:10:20+08:00
Updated At: 2016-10-11T12:10:20+08:00
Views: 60
Votes: 0
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