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Queued or connecting - nothing happens

I have tried to DVR this : http://www.ehftv.com/int/video/2016-09-17-rhein-neckar-lowen-sg-flensburg-handewitt-full-matc. I get the message "queued" and sometimes "connecting" and then nothing happens. What do I do wrong?2

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Author: clausjensen
Created At: 2016-09-24T14:50:32+08:00
Updated At: 2016-09-24T14:50:32+08:00
Views: 102
Votes: 0
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No need for DVR. Use internet downloading Auto Detection mode.  Video will be detected and recorded from the network as it plays in your browser.  

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Author: CRS
Created At: 2016-09-24T14:50:32+08:00
Updated At: 2016-09-24T14:50:32+08:00
Views: 102
Votes: 0
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I have tried. I still got an error (and I can't  use DVR as well)

Kind regards




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Author: clausjensen
Created At: 2016-09-24T14:50:32+08:00
Updated At: 2016-09-24T14:50:32+08:00
Views: 102
Votes: 0
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Your trying to use the extractor method (entering in the url of a video page to download), not auto detection.

Auto detection works by monitoring what is happening in your browser.

To use auto mode you need to:

1. Switch it on as you have done

2. Open your browser

3. Go to  http://www.ehftv.com/int/video/2016-09-17-rhein-neckar-lowen-sg-flensburg-handewitt-full-matc in your browser and start playing the video

4. JMR will pick up the stream and in the case of this case start recording it as it plays in your browser.


--- Import ---
Author: CRS
Created At: 2016-09-24T14:50:32+08:00
Updated At: 2016-09-24T14:50:32+08:00
Views: 102
Votes: 0
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It funktion now.

Thank you 


--- Import ---
Author: clausjensen
Created At: 2016-09-24T14:50:32+08:00
Updated At: 2016-09-24T14:50:32+08:00
Views: 102
Votes: 0
--- Import ---

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